Monday, April 22, 2013

1. Introduction to Java EE 6

Throughout this series I will be discussing the basic technology stack of JEE6. The discussion will contain brief overview, usage and small programming example.

I assume you have basic knowledge about what enterprise application is or what Java EE 6 is up to. I will be focusing on the tech stack of it.

Basically, there are four tiers of technology that enterprise java uses.

Web Applications Technologies

  • Java Servlet
  • JavaServer Pages [JSP]
  • JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library [JSTL]
  • JavaServer Faces [JSF]
  • Facelets
Enterprise Applications Technologies
  • Enterprise JavaBeans [EJB]
  • Java Persistence API [JPA]
  • Java Transaction API [JTA]
  • Java Message Service [JMS]
  • Java EE Connector Architecture
  • Java Mail
Web Services Technologies
  • SOAP and RESTful
  • Java API for XML Registries [JAXR]
Security Technologies
  • JACC
So, sit tight, and learn with me. The best is yet to come. :)

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